Tag: ELA activities

how can English teachers hook teens on books?

Shhh…They’re Reading: 6 Easy Ways to Hook Teens on Books

SIX easy ways to hook teens on books—yes, we can get middle and high school students reading and enjoying their books.

Timely ELA activities for every month of the school year! #MiddleSchoolELA #HighSchoolELA #TeachingELA

ELA Activities for Every Month of the School Year

100 timely ELA activities for the whole school year!

Looking for secondary ELA resources for back-to-school? Start the year by building relationships and creating a strong classroom community with these ideas.

12 Back-to-School Essential ELA Activities and Lessons

Heading back to school can be stressful for teachers. The ladies of ELA Today have twelve ELA activities and lessons to save the day.