Young Adult Literature

Looking for classroom library materials for older students? Read on!

Melissa: Ruta Sepetys

Salt to the Sea is a New York Times best-selling novel by Ruta Sepetys. Beautifully written, Sepetys provides insight to the Wilhlem Gustloff. This book is told from multiple perspectives, and students will have favorites! However, Sepetys is the author of multiple other books, which all have the potential to work in your classroom library.

Lauralee: Sarah Dessen

Students will share and trade Sarah Dessen books. Dessen writes with an authentic voice, and her love stories are not over the top. Her characters are realistic and face tough choices, but they do not talk down to readers. Students always cheer when I read Dessen to them.

Classroom libraries in high school? Yes! These young adult literature additions will get teens reading. #YoungAdultLiterature #ClassroomLibrary

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