First Nine Weeks of ELA

Where do you start with a new ELA class? Here are two ways to teach the first nine weeks of ELA.

Melissa: Organize Your Components

Set the groundwork with engaging units that cover skills students will need all year long (email etiquette, plagiarism, why reading matters), and then focus on scaffolded reading, vocabulary, and grammar lessons. Melissa outlines her lessons, activities, and methods for the first nine weeks of her ELA class.

Lauralee: Start with Short Stories

To start the school year, Lauralee builds a short story unit and branches from the stories that students help choose. Cover public speaking, poetry, grammar, nonfiction, and writing with short stories… and build student relationships and implement student choice along the way.

On YouTube

Prefer to listen? We chatted about two ways to prep the first nine weeks of ELA curriculum in this video.

Creating the first nine weeks of ELA curriculum? Watch the video and read how two experienced ELA teachers handle the start of the school year. #BackToSchool #LanguageArts

We have more ideas in our post specifically for back to school.

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