Responding to Student Writing

As a teacher, your responses shape students' internal thoughts concerning their writing.

Melissa: Ten Responses

Because writing is personal, it’s difficult to grade.  Teacher feedback shapes students’ perceptions of their strengths and weaknesses as writers. It’s challenging to grade a massive stack of essays while being mindful of this truth. In this post, read about ten tips for responding to student writing in a way that honors their internal dialogue.

Lauralee: Three Guidelines

It might be tempting to mark up a student’s paper, but students might be overwhelmed. Instead, follow these three guidelines when providing feedback for student writing: don’t simply edit, set goals, and provide a big picture. Read more about students’ internal dialogue and student writing here.

As a teacher, how you respond to student writing matters, as it shapes their internal dialogue. Follow these guidelines for giving students feedback. #HighSchoolELA #WritingLessons

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